An old school friend wanted a poster of Silverdale on Morecambe Bay, but one that was personal to him and his family. And here’s the result, a 61x91cm poster in a black frame, showing Alastair with his dog Daisy next to the famous Pepper Pot folly and the Giant’s Seat overlooking the bay. The Lots is an area of Silverdale, by the way.
Woodford poster, by Eric Jackson, Statement Artworks
Growing up in Stockport, it was always an amazing sight to occasionally see the futuristic Vulcan flying overhead - a change from the usual passenger stuff on its way in and out of Manchester Airport.
The v-wing Vulcans, which were based at Woodford Aerodrome a few miles away, are long gone but the legacy remains, and the village is steeped in Britain’s aviation history - the Avro Museum (with a real Vulcan on the tarmac) now stands on the site of the old airfield which once staged the annual Woodford Air Show.
But there have been many other changes, too, not least the building of hundreds of new houses on the site, where Stockport meets Cheshire, with spectacular views of the rolling hills and the Pennines in the distance.
Some things never change, though, and hopefully never will (pandemics allowing), such as the amazing Davenport Arms, or, to give it its original title, which still greets customers at the door, ‘The Thief’s Neck,’ and which the locals have only ever called it anyway.
What a pub it is, with amazing beer and food and one of the best beer gardens in the region. How I love it.
The nearby Notcutts Garden Centre is a bit of a tourist attraction too.
The Woodford poster is available to buy at www.statementartworks.
Read MoreManc-hattan, whether you are United, City or neutral
My popular Manc-hattan poster will also be available in Man United red or Man City sky blue from Monday September 28. Before then I will be at Levenshulme Market on Saturday and West Didsbury Makers Market on Sunday, when, being topical, I will have my ‘tested positive for being a northerner’ poster, along with the updated Manc Manifesto. See you there.
Cheers - Eric
The garden fence in Davenport showing my aluminium posters
All-weather aluminium posters - for the garden, kitchen or bathroom
The posters I have completed since the start of the year.
The garden centres may be out of bounds - for now - but while you may not be able to buy flowers or plants for your garden, you can buy one of my posters.
I am now producing them in weather resistant, heavy-duty aluminium (di-bond for the technical), which you can hang on walls or fences, or in those damper places in your house, such as kitchens and bathrooms.
Anthony and Jane in Davenport, Stockport, have just ordered four (Manc-hattan, Stockport pyramid, Marple and Davenport), and they now proudly adorn their garden fence.
Visit the page on my website,, to see how to order.
I have also recently finished the Cheadle poster, bringing the total to six for 2020, with several more on the drawing board. The lockdown is massively weird, but it’s helping me get lots of studio work done.
The pictures show Anthony and Jane’s fence and all my posters of 2020.
Hope you’re all keeping safe and well - Eric
Stockton Heath - it’s cool for cats
Stockton Heath prints are here!
Stockton Heath prints already in demand
Getting the new prints of Stockton Heath back from the printers on Thursday morning. The orders are already coming in…from cool cats, obviously!
Stockport poster in portrait shape
I've had so many requests to produce a portrait shape alternative for my original Stockport poster that I've finally gone ahead and done it, with a few tweaks here and there, and here it is. However, it will only be available from Saturday onwards at The Warren, near Stockport Market Place, and then on general sale from August.
Start of the Great Northern Warehouse experience!
Christmas starts tomorrow (well it does for me) with the Great Northern Warehouse market just off Deansgate in Manchester. I’ll be there on Friday as well, then on Saturday and Sunday it’s off to Altrincham Market. I’ll have all my usual mounts, cards and magnets, plus my new Marple picture, along with a few blue versions of the ‘barth’ poster. See you there.
Read MoreA Manchester Odyssey!
When Lawrence and Rebecca Cray came to buy some posters off me at Urmston market, they couldn’t make up their minds about which ones to buy. They had lived in Worsley and Eccles, and also close to the Mancunian Way. Now they were living in Urmston. I’d done posters of all those places, even one featuring the Mancunian Way, but they were torn.
So hey, bingo, they thought they would have all four in one! The Result is the Manchester Odyssey of the Crays, where I’ve melded all four posters into one with new typography.
The poster is now taking pride of place in their living room above the fireplace.
So now you know - if you want anything bespoke, just ask. I can’t change the background images but I can do anything with the words.
Just email me on
Here is the finished result and all the original posters.
All this weekend we are at Altrincham Market.
Stockport, London, Rochdale - the holy trinity!
Local art for local people! Who needs fancy dan customers from the Cayman Islands when you can sell to lovely people on your doorstep? This week I supplied three framed A2 posters to Hatters Promotions who have just moved into new premises off Hillgate in Stockport, about half a mile from where I live. They now hang in the firm’s reception area. Hatters Promotions provide promotional merchandise for companies, from pens and mugs to hampers and bandanas ( Two of my posters - London and Hats Off To Stockport - are pictured here along with the Teddy, who belongs to Jo Shippen, the boss of the company! Also, I’ve just finished my Rochdale poster, which, naturally, has to feature the town’s most famous export - the Co-operative movement! Those handsome people in the poster are my friends and neighbours, the Cook family!
Read MoreStatement Artworks on new Co-op website
Exciting news for Statement Artworks. I am one of the first artists in the country to be signed up to the Co-op's brand new website, which is now live ( Manchester is the pilot city but the site will soon be rolled out across the country. Watch me being interviewed by the Co-op ( Most of my images are on the site, in A3 poster and A4 mount options, and you can buy directly through the Co-op. You can buy from me still at markets, and this weekend I am at Stockport and the Northern Quarter, while on Tuesday I have a stall at Victoria Station. My two latest images will be on sale, plus an adaped version of my Offerton poster, which now has Stockport as the banner. That, along with lots of other images, will soon be for sale at the Hat Works Museum in Stockport and at Staircase House.
Stockport poster
Map of the British Isles
Man City - bitter Blue?
Hats off to Offerton
Although I'd driven through it a thousand times on the way to the amazing Vernon and Woodbank parks, I'd never noticed the old Battersby hat factory in Offerton, Stockport, just along from the Finger Post pub. It's got that striking water tower - but more importantly the giant letter B on two sides. What a godsend for an idea for a poster, which I think has a definite world war 2 look about it. While the tower was the inspiration, I have to thank the lovely Imogen Francesca Hart, one of my fellow traders, who was the model for the poster. Chorlton-based Imogen is the boss of The Sardinistas, which specialises in Portuguese products, especially those fabulous tinned sardines. The first prints of the Offerton poster will be produced next week, but I am also doing a limited edition of 20 specially marked A2 posters, which I am selling ready framed for £150.
Read MoreHat-trick of Manc posters!
One poster good, three posters better, to paraphrase George Orwell. Paul and Jackie Lomas came to my stall at Altrincham Market over the weekend and bought three of my posters - the Mancunian Way, Stretford and Altrincham. Look pretty good, I think, as a nice little triptych. Next weekend it's Urmston and the Northern Quarter, and I'm back at Altrincham the following Sunday. Happy Easter (if such a thing is possible in this foul weather). Cheers - Eric
Stretford, Altrincham and the Mancunian Way...a hat-trick of cheeky posters!
Markets this weekend. Yes, really!
Statement Artworks markets
I'm now officially bonkers. This Saturday I'm at Urmston market and on Sunday it's Knutsford. Hopefully the mercury will rise just a tad to stop my fingers and toes dropping off. I'll have all my usual stuff for sale, plus the newbies shown here. See you at the weekend (huskies optional).
Cheers - Eric
Mancunian Way, Statement Artworks
Oldham and Saddleworth poster, Eric Jackson
Black Chew Head. When I heard that such a place existed on the moors high above Oldham, I had to use it in the poster. But not only does it sound odd, it also happens to be the highest place in Greater Manchester, hence the high society caption in the poster. The area around Oldham and Saddleworth is dotted with spectacular views and walks, and on a nice day it can rival anywhere in the country. And as for the town's swanky new cinema tagged on to the old town hall, well that's something special indeed.
Oldham and Saddleworth poster by Eric Jackson,
Two new post-Christmas posters - Wythenshawe and Bowdon
Wythenshawe and Bowdon, two South Manchester places that are quite close geographically but miles apart demographically, which is why doing this northern poster malarkey is so much fun! And it shows I've not just been sitting on my arse doing nothing since Christmas.
Wythenshaw poster - by Statement Artworks
It was a wonderful dream on a post-war town planner's drawing board. Houses fit for heroes on a large, modern estate, or 'garden city', with none of that old mish-mash of narrow streets and diverse design. No, this was going to be uniform, clean and functional. And my parents bought into that dream, so that was the first Jackson family home, in Baguley, a district of Wythenshawe, the new town on the edge of Manchester which became the largest estate in Europe. Most of my aunts and uncles and cousins lived there too. But the dream turned sour, and Wythenshawe became a byword for problem families, crime and town planning gone mad. What's this, though? Wythenshawe, by degrees, is turning itself around, thanks in no small part to the tram line and the train line, both going to the nearby airport and the city centre. Young singles and families are discovering that the housing stock is affordable and not too bad either. Posh apartment blocks are springing up, and the once-dire Civic Centre is looking lively again. Just a pity the old theatre is no longer functioning. Now that would have been the icing on the cake for the new Wythenshawe. This poster in available at in any size you like!
Bowdon poster - by Statement Artworks
Whereas its nearby neighbour Hale loves to flaunt its chi-chi trendiness, affluence and desirability, Bowdon presents itself as understated, restrained and 'old money'. Hence there's not a lot going on really - a few posh gastro pubs, a posh hotel, a posh looking green with a few posh shops, posh sports clubs, and a posh Indian restaurant. Oh yes, it's posh, especially when you look beyond the high hedges and gates and wonder at some of the finest houses - indeed mansions - in the whole of Cheshire. Wow, are they grand, which is why they say you're going 'up the hill' when you go from Altrincham or Hale, and that is meant in so many ways. Footballers, TV stars and the generally well-wadded live there, in a very understated way, of course. This poster is available through at any size you like.